Branchville Man Moving Rail Depot
By Helen Evans
Herald Staff Writer
Branchville -- The owner of the Roy Co. feed store
on Broad Street is preparing to move the old Branchville railroad
station to his property soon, Mayor Gerald Van Gorden said Wednesday
"He is moving the station within the next couple
of weeks," said Van Gorden, "and will use it for storage and eventually
restore it."
Richard Roy will move the station to the back of
his property on land that was the old tie yard for the Erie Lackawanna
The station was built in the 1860's or 1870's {1869}
when the railroad came to town. The building has not been used since
the railroad closed the Branchville line in 1966.
"It's one of the oldest stations in New Jersey
that's restorable," Roy has said. Roy was unavailable for comment
The borough bought the station in 1979 and considered
restoring it, but decided that renovating it was too costly. Roy,
a lifelong resident of the borough, bought the building about four
years ago for $1.
The station's outhouse has already been moved,
Van Gorden said.
Branchville hose C. No. 1 plans to build a firehouse
on the railroad property next year.
This will not be the first time that the building
has been moved. In the 1930's, when the Borden Creamery came to
town, the station was relocated across the tracks to its current