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New Jersey Herald - May 13, 1915 Issue
Joseph Quackenbush Dead

Oldest Railroad Engineer on Lackawanna System.

Joseph Quackenbush, for many years the popular engineer on the Sussex Railroad, died at his home on Madison Street, early Wednesday morning, at the age of 78 years. The deceased had been in feeble health for over a year past, and for the last three months had been confined to the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Hendershot, who gave him every care and loving attention that it was possible for a daughter to give. The deceased was born in New York, June 10, 1837. He removed to Andover in 1853, and the same year entered the employ of the Sussex Railroad Company as a water boy on a construction train at the time the railroad was being built by Thomas Hewitt. At the completion of the road he was given the position of fireman. So well did he perform his duties that in 1855 he was promoted to the position of engineer, and for forty-seven years remained at the throttle of his locomotive, esteemed and respected by the officials of the road as well as every employee. His notable traits of character won him friends on every hand. When he retired under the Lackawanna system in 1900, he enjoyed the distinction of being one of the oldest engineers in the United States, and the pioneer engineer of the Sussex branch. Since his retirement from active duties as an engineer he has lived a retired life, honored and respected by everyone. He was twice married. His first wife was Caroline Freeman, of Andover, who died March 23, 1880. The children by this union were: James Quackenbush, of Wheeling, Virginia; Mrs. Lewis H. Wilson, Newton; George Quackenbush, Newton; Mrs. Lawrence Eckhart, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. William Hendershot, Newton. His second wife was Ann Lawrence, of Andover, who died May 26, 1913. The deceased was a member of Harmony Lodge, No. 8, F. & A. M., and Baldwin Chapter, No. R. A. M. The funeral services will be held at his late home to-morrow, Friday afternoon, at three o'clock, Rev. Clarence W. Rouse Officiating. The interment will be in the Andover cemetery, the services at the grave being conducted by Harmony Lodge.