Lackawanna Trains to Maybrook
The running of freight trains of the Lackawanna Railroad
for Boston and other eastern points over the Lehigh & Hudson River
railroad, via the new Y at Andover Junction, was commenced on Thursday
last when the first train was sent through to Maybrook. For the present
there will be two trains each way daily. The transfer of all freight
for the east is now made at Port Morris instead of Hoboken, and is run
through by the new connection at Andover Junction to its eastern destination.
A number of these clerks and employees at the Hoboken freight office
have been transferred to Port Morris, and that village is putting on
new life. Before the close of the month all freight for the east will
go over this route and the floats at Hoboken will be abandoned. It is
given out that the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Central railroads will
also make this route an outlet for their eastern trade, and some dozen
trains daily will go over this line from Port Morris to Maybrook.