Grade Crossing At Drake's Pond
Why Has It Not Been Abolished ?
The two fatal accidents at grade crossings
in Port Jervis; the determined effort on the part of residents of
Stillwater township to secure protection from the dangerous grade
crossing at Fulboam's creamery, in that township brings forcibly to
mind the equally dangerous crossing at Drake's pond near Newton. A
year ago it was believed that this crossing would be abolished. In
fact a large sum of money was subscribed and paid in for the purpose
of erecting a suitable culvert at this point. This culvert has not
been erected. Scarcely a week passes but that the question is asked
why this work has been so long delayed and what has become of the
money so generously subscribed for this purpose. We would cheerfully
donate sufficient of our advertising space to publish a statement
of the receipts and disbursements of this fund, together with a statement
giving the causes why this work has been so long delayed. The vague
report that this culvert could not be located just exactly suitable
to satisfy all concerned, hence the abandonment of the work, hardly
fills the bill.