Improvements At Newton Station
A Large Sum of Money Being Expended.
As the work progresses at the Newton
station yard new developments are made each week of the improvements
the Lackawanna company contemplate at this station. A force of men
are now engaged in excavating beneath the track leading to the turntable
an ash pit about 20 x 30 feet, 5 feet deep, with concrete bottom and
sides, where all locomotives will dump their fires, and the refuse
will be used for ballasting. Underdrains are being laid through the
yard connecting with the sewer leading to the meadows, with openings
at different points for carrying off the surface water from the yard.
A space of about 15 feet wide, from the depot platform to the water
tank, has been graded with fine crushed stone and curbed at the side.
Over this a roof will be erected extending from the present platform
roof. When completed, this will give ample protection in stormy weather
for passengers alighting from or entering the long trains that daily
arrive at this station. Workmen are also engaged in putting down a
substantial curbing around the station, and during the past week several
carloads of block stone have arrived and will be used in paving the
grounds on the south and southeast side of the passenger station.
In the center of the yard, fronting the passenger station, will be
laid out a square for a flower bed similar to those seen and greatly
admired at many of the stations along the main line. The water tank
will be removed to the freight yard, and a crane for furnishing locomotives
on the main line with water will be placed down the track in the lower
yard. The inside frame is now being placed in position for the round
house, and the brick is arriving for the brick work. This part of
the work has been delayed by the rejection of the first lot of brick
received. As soon as the round house and heating house is completed,
work will at once commence on the new freight depot and repair shops.
The turntable will be put into service as soon as the ash pit is completed,
and will then do away with sending locomotives to the Y at Branchville
Junction to be reversed. The work on the new culvert at Drake's pond
is progressing very slowly, but the company expect to complete it
before winter sets in.