Improvements At The Depot
New Tracks Being Laid in Freight Yard
The prospects for a new passenger station
at Newton seem to be a thing of the past as considerable improvements
have been commenced on renovating the present station, and from what
has already been accomplished by the workmen engaged thereon, it is
quite evident the Lackawanna officials propose to make the station
answer their purpose, which is a matter of deep regret to every enterprising
citizen of Newton. The stairway leading to the second floor has been
removed, and the partition between the women's and men's waiting room
torn out, throwing the first floor into one room. The walls are to
be brightened, new seats placed in the room and the interior repainted.
While this will cover the improvements to the station, we are informed
that the officials propose to place a covered platform between the
station and the water tank. The work in the freight yard is progressing.
The new turntable is about half completed and four additional tracks
have been laid in the yard for switching purposes. When the turntable
is completed and the cinder heap removed, two or three more tracks
will be laid in the yard, and work will be commenced on the round
house and new freight depot.