Goes Down Bank
Engineer and Fireman Escape by Jumping.
Last Friday afternoon
engineer Miller, of the Sussex railroad, with his fireman had a narrow
escape from being buried under their locomotive. They were in charge
of a freight train that was drilling on the switch at Cranberry Lake.
The switch has recently been extended and connects with the main track
at a point between the lake and the small body of water between the
track and the highway. The engine and one car loaded with logs was backing
out of the switch and was on the embankment adjoining the body of water
along the highway, when the embankment suddenly gave way, and the engine
and car toppled over and went down with the rocks and dirt.
As the locomotive
commenced to slide with the moving substance below it, the engineer
and fireman both jumped and escaped with but a few bruises. Henry Loges,
who was on the car of logs also escaped by leaping from the car. The
engine and car was taken out of the hole on Saturday and the former
taken to Port Morris for repairs. The embankment was undermined by the
heavy rains and the wash of the lake..