Head-End Collision
Two Engines Run Together on the Sussex Cut-Off
to Newton and One is Completely Demolished
Yesterday morning about a quarter to twelve o'clock
a head-end collision took place on the other end of the cut-off very
close to its junction with the old Sussex road, and just above the new
quarry of the Allen Granite and Construction Company. The rock
and earth from the excavation by the steam shovel in the Stanhope cut
have been deposited along the fills of the Sussex road by the construction
train. This has generally been done about once a day. When there are
many rocks on the cars it takes quite a while to get them rolled off.
The train had gone down the cut off to dump and was at the other end
of the cut off. It had engine 249, which had just been brought out of
the Kingsland shops, practically a new engine, and was being used on
this train to get its bearings worn down before it was put on regular
Train 635, with engine 122, a mixed freight train with
passenger car attached, is 11:20, but which was generally known to be
late, had about twelve freight cars on yesterday beside its passenger
coach which contained eight or ten passengers. The construction train
had been stopped on the curve just beyond where it could be seen from
the straight track through Matthew Kay's property and over the Muscanetcong
bridge, but the conductor had signaled for it to back further up the
track. He had previously put out Patrick Whalen to flag train 635. The
latter had failed to do this and his flag was afterwards found beside
the railroad track. Train 635 came down the grade at a rate of at least
fifteen miles an hour, but the engineer saw no flag, nor the train ahead,
until he rounded the sharp curve. Although the distance was very short
he put on the air brakes, reversed his engine and called to his firemen,
Lester Morris to jump, but the latter did not hear him. The engineer,
however, jumped for his life and escaped with no serious injury except
a general shake up. When the crash came the whole fireman's side of
122's cab was torn away and the fireman with it and thrown to the switch
track beside the main line. Morris had his head cut in several places
which he had bandaged by Doctor Nelden who was sent for.
Charles Miller, engineer on the culm burner, 249, seeing
the inevitable crash coming also jumped for his life as did his fireman.
The former got cut on the left wrist. The passengers in the car were
jolted when the air brakes were put on, but the crash was a much greater
shock, but none of them were severely hurt.
Engine 122 was an old engine and rather small beside
the culm burner, but having a moving train behind her, she drove one
half of 249's tender clear upon the first car of the construction train,
beside battering in all the front end, and tearing away the ash pan.
The rear drivers of the bigger engine were also forced from the tracks
and trucks of the tender forced up against it. Engine 122 was a complete
wreck. Her tender jammed itself under the locomotive raising the rear
drivers between two and three feet above the track. The front bumpers
were smashed into kindling wood and the iron work broken or bent into
every conceivable shape. The iron water tank was torn from the wooden
foundation and driven up against the fire box and boiler. A box car
next to the engine had its end smashed in. W.I. Sutton heard the noises
of the crash over the hill, while lumbermen a mile away on the other
side were attracted by the noise and whistling. A crowd soon gathered
to see the sight. The train of 635 was taken back to Stanhope and the
passengers, baggage and express matter of the afternoon trains were
transferred around the wreck. The wreck train from Hoboken arrived after
three o'clock to clear away the wreck. A track was built around it to
assist matters. Conductor Nugent of the construction train, has been
temporarily laid off, but the flagman was peremptorily discharged. The
engines as they were taken through here were a sorry looking sight.
This is another costly wreck for the company, but trainmaster Sickles
and dispatcher Smith quickly cleared it away and had things in good
running order.