Two Horses Killed
George C. Bird who resides on his farm about a mile
below Andover visited his pasture field last Friday morning to bring
in his two horses that he had turned out the night previous. The animals
were missing but after a search of a few moment he found the animals
alongside of the Sussex railroad track, a short distance from the field.
One horse had its neck broken and was dead, the mate was lying near
with a fractured leg and had to be killed. How the accident occurred
is a mystery. It is believed however that the animals strayed from the
pasture on to the railroad track and were either struck by a passing
train on the Sussex road and fell through what is known as Dry Brook
bridge, near Whitehall culvert. The trainmen report that they have not
run into any animals in a long time and there is little doubt but that
both animals fell from the bridge while going down the track. Both were
valuable animals, proving a considerable loss to Mr. Bird.--New Jersey