Miscellaneous Articles from 1888
New Jersey Herald
- January 18, 1888 issue
It was thirty four years ago last Monday since the cars
first ran to Hackettstown.
Since the holiday season business at the depot of the Sussex Railroad
has been quite dull, the farmers doing very little shipping.
New Jersey Herald - ? 1888 oops
The locomotive Hatfield was removed from the
garden in Andover on Friday last, and sent to the machine shops to be
repaired. The loss to the D. L. & W. R. R. Co. during the blizzard
is estimated at $2000,000
New Jersey Herald - April 11, 1888 issue
The locomotive Hatfield was so badly stripped in the recent
accident at Andover that it will be several weeks before it will be ready
for service.
Last Saturday evening about twenty of the Sussex Railroad employees, in
charge of the veteran engineer Joseph Quackenbush, made a raid upon the
residence of Watson Little, on Union Place, and presented Mrs. Little
with a handsome willow rocking chair. "Wats," who is a fireman on the
road, was also remembered by the boys, being presented with enough pipes
and tobacco to start a small cigar store.
New Jersey Herald - June 27, 1888 issue
A velocipede track car attracted some attention last week
on its trip over the Sussex Road.
John McCluskey, late extra brakeman on the Sussex Railroad, has been promoted
to assistant milk messenger.
New Jersey Herald - July 11, 1888 issue
The locomotives on the railroad were handsomely decorated
with flags and bunting on the Fourth, and presented a pretty sight as
they passed over the line. Some of the engines displayed at the headlight
a large portrait of Washington.