Miscellaneous Articles from 1881
New Jersey Herald - January 12,
1881 issue
The water supply of the Sussex railroad company and at
the shoe factory was nearly exhausted previous to the rain of Monday.
The mail train on the Sussex road was delayed last Friday evening until
9:30 by the breaking down of the locomotive "Newton" at Waterloo.
According to a correspondent of the Dover Era, the D. L. & W. boys
tell a huge story about a Sussex railroad brakemen. They say "that the
flagman on the Sussex railroad train which meets No. 4 at Waterloo in
the morning, went into the passenger car, during the recent cold spell,
after the train left Waterloo, and went to feeling of his ears, and in
his attempt to bend them, they both broke off." Who is this earless brakeman?
New Jersey Herald - January 19, 1881 issue
The Sussex railroad company has a new agent at Franklin
in the person of Mr. T.M. Bross, who will look after the interest of
the Sussex road, while Mr. Al Smith, who has been in charge of that
station for some past time, will confine himself to the Midland business.
New Jersey Herald - January 26, 1881 issue
As the 1:30 P. M. train from this station [Newton]
was going up the heavy grade near Drake's pond yesterday, one of the
wheels under the tender of the locomotive broke, resulting in considerable
damage to the tender before the train was stopped. Fortunately the train
was running at a very slow rate of speed, or a serious accident might
have occurred. The passengers were returned to Newton and were unable
to make any connection with the D. L. & W. road until evening.
New Jersey Herald - February
9, 1881 issue
Three trains were stalled on the meadows below Town [Newton],
last Friday evening, for over an hour. To break the blockade the first
train had to be taken into the station in sections.
The Sussex railroad employees report this the severest winter they have
experienced since they have been employed on the road. All trains are
running behind schedule time, and the greatest of care is required as
the rails and car wheels are filled with frost, and a broken rail or wheel
is likely to occur at any time. The employees are kept at work all night
moving the accumulated freight along the line.
New Jersey Herald - February 16, 1881 issue
The morning train down last Wednesday jumped the track
at Warbasse's Junction, and no connection was made with the D. L. &
W. road until afternoon.
Jersey Herald - February 23, 1881 issue
There is some talk of establishing a creamery at Oliver's
station, on the line of the Sussex railroad.
New Jersey Herald - March 16,
There was shipped from this station [Newton] from
Dec. 1st to March, 10,250 bushels, or 287 tons of rye. The grain is shipped
to H. Dusenberry & Co., of New York, who send it to Europe.
The ore mine, known as the "Waterloo mine," located one mile east of Allamuchy,
is now being looked after by capitalists, and there is a probability that
work will be resumed at an early day.
A new Fairbank's standard scale has just been placed in the freight depot
at Newton. It has a large platform, and for beauty and strength of construction
cannot be surpassed. It has a capacity of 2,000 pounds, and is so sensitive
and accurate that a two ounce weight laid on the platform will carry the
beam. It was procured for that company by Mr. W. P. Nicholas, of this
Town, and will be under the control of the freight agent.
New Jersey Herald - March 30, 1881
There was no morning train over the Sussex railroad last
Wednesday, owing to an accident to the engine.
The D. L. & W. R. R., it is rumored will run Sunday trains, commencing
with the change of their time table in June.
E.C. Case, of the Sussex railroad, has a letter in last Wednesday's Easton
Express, denying the statement made to that paper by an engineer employed
on the Sussex road for a few days in which it was stated that the engines
were in a bad and dangerous condition, the road full of sags, the track
bad, etc.
The Muscanetcong furnace company at Stanhope are developing the mines
between that place and Waterloo. The ore mined contains two percent of
sulpher, and is carted to the furnace yard at Stanhope, piled up with
wood, mixed with the fine coal dust screened from the coal used at the
furnace, and the sulphur burnt out. The ore is then used at the furnace.
New Jersey Herald - April 6, 1881
The Mt. Holly," a locomotive purchased of a Pennsylvania
railroad company, was placed on the Sussex railroad last week. It is
a six wheel driver.
New Jersey Herald - April 13, 1881
Last Saturday morning there was a runaway on the Sussex
railroad. In the yard at this place [Newton] there is an inclined
plane leading to the coal bins, and on the above morning, while "Billy"
Nolan was taking his engine down the plane the wheels commenced to slip,
and in a few seconds was under full headway, running pell mell into the
coal bins. The engine left the track
We now have direct mail facilities with Warwick and other points on the
Warwick Valley railroad, Postal Agent Pellet having received orders to
go through to McAffee's Valley, at which point the mail matter is delivered
to the Warwick Valley road. Heretofore all mail matter from the Newton
office for Warwick and other points above the State line was sent via.
New York city.
New Jersey Herald - April 20, 1881
The men engaged in boring for water in this place [Newton],
struck a white limestone rock a few feet beneath the surface, through
which they bored for a distance of thirty one feet, when the drill came
in contact with a soft greyish substance. The drill has reached a depth
of about forty feet.
The foundation for the creamery in this place [Newton] has been
completed, and the frame is on the ground and will be raised this week.
Under a new arrangement the early morning train on the Sussex railroad
now leaves Branchville at 6; Augusta, 6:05; Lafayette, 6:15; Branchville
Junction, 6:18; Newton, 6:30; Andover 6:42; Whitehall, 6:47; and arrives
in New York at 9:20. There is no change in the running time of the evening
mail train, so as to arrive at Newton at 6:30 instead of 7:20 as at present.
New Jersey Herald - May 25, 1881 issue
A meeting was held at the depot in this place, [Newton]
on Monday evening, by the employees of the road for the purpose of forming
a society to be known as the "Sussex R. R. Mutual Aid Association."
The meeting was largely attended, and a committee was appointed to draft
the by-laws, and report at the next meeting, when a permanent organization
will be perfected.
New Jersey Herald - June 1, 1881 issue
A young man from Warren county, who has been employed
on the Sussex railroad for a few days as a brakeman, was quite badly
injured Monday afternoon by his head coming in contact with a bridge
near Augusta. He was looking out from the side of the car at the time
of the accident. He remained in an unconscious condition until after
the train arrived at Newton. Fortunately the train was running quite
slow at the time of theaccident.
It is reported that the Sussex railroad company have
been increasing the pay of the engineers and conductors.
New Jersey Herald - July 6, 1881 issue
The Sussex Railroad and Lehigh & Hudson people
held another meeting in New York last Friday, but failed to enter into
any agreement leasing the Sussex road to the latter company.
New Jersey Herald - July 13, 1881 issue
The Sussex railroad has been purchased by the D. L.
& W. R. R. company.
New Jersey Herald - July 20, 1881 issue
The wood work of the Newton depot has received a new coat
of paint.
The Sussex railroad has been purchased by the D. L. & W. company as
stated last week, and is now in possession of the latter company.
A bridge on the Sussex road, at the foot of the Waterloo mountain, was
fired on Monday afternoon by the milk train north. A miner employed at
the Cascade mine on the mountain, who was on his way to Waterloo, discovered
the fire and extinguished it. One of the cross-beams was badly burned
and will have to be replaced by a new one.
Sussex Register - August 4, 1881 issue
William Nolan, one of the best and most reliable engineers
on the Sussex Railroad, has taken a position on the Lehigh & Hudson
road. He will go to Belvidere and have charge of the construction train,
which will give him an opportunity to recruit his health; which has
become impaired by many years of constant and faithful service.
New Jersey Herald - August 10, 1881 issue
More milk is shipped from Andover station than any
other three stations on the Sussex Railroad.
New Jersey Herald - August 17, 1881 issue
A bridge on the Sussex railroad, about two miles this
side of Franklin, was fired on Saturday afternoon last by a spark from
the locomotive of the milk train. One of the cross-beams and three ties
were badly burned and had to be replaced by new ones.
The new owners of the Sussex railroad are putting in a new side track,
between 400 and 500 feet in length, at Monroe Corner, for the accommodation
of their patrons at that point. The citizens furnished the ties gratuitously
as an inducement to the company.
Engineer Wm. Nolan reported for duty on the Lehigh & Hudson River
railroad on Monday, and in the afternoon passed over the Sussex road with
the new locomotive No. 1, via. D. L. & W. and Belvidere, Delaware
railroads for Belvidere. Track laying will commence at Belvidere this
Mr. A. Reasoner, Superintendent of the Sussex Railroad, has notified the
employees and all concerned that the road is now under his management,
and that all orders will hereafter be issued from his office in Hoboken.
The following appointments have been made: Fred F. Chambers, Secretary
and Auditor; Fred H. Gibbens, Treasurer; B. A. Hegeman, General Freight
Agent; W. F. Holwell, General Ticket Agent. Their N.Y. These gentlemen
hold the same positions on the D. L. & W. R. R. The other appointment
is that of Mr. Charles Arvis as Agent, who will have charge of the road
and will act as general manager. Until telegraph connection is made with
the Hoboken office the trains will run strictly under the rules issued
by the Superintendent.
The receipts at the Waterloo station for July amounted to $9,144.83, and
at Stanhope $5,738. For June the receipts at the latter station were over
E. C. Case, for the past three years Superintendent of the Sussex Railroad,
left for Green Bay, Wis., on Monday, where he has accepted a position
on the railroad under the management of his father.
A new engine and twenty-five card have been delivered at Belvidere for
the Lehigh & Hudson River railroad. Track laying will commence in
a few days at Belvidere. The iron bridges along the route in Warren are
being erected as fast as the iron arrives. The company expect to have
the road graded between Andover and Belvidere by the first of October
and the track a few days later. There is no doubt but the whole line from
Belvidere to Hamburg Junction will be completed and in operation by the
1st of January.
New Jersey Herald - August 24, 1881 issue
The depot at Branchville was entered last Saturday night
and $5 in change and a box of segars (sic) stolen. A valise that had been
left in the depot was broken open, the contents overhauled, but nothing
taken away.
The telegraph office has been removed from the depot to the Cochran house,
where a convenient room has been fitted up in the rear of the reading
room. Mr. Joseph O'Malley, of Jersey City, has charge of the office.
New Jersey Herald - August 31, 1881 issue
A switchback railroad is being constructed from the
dump at Franklin Furnace to the Trotter Mine near the Green Spot at
which place an engine house is also being erected.
[If anyone has more information
on this, please contact
A construction train has been placed on the Lehigh & Hudson River
railroad at Belvidere, and the work of track laying is now being pushed
A passenger car is now attached to the Sunday milk train. It is also reported
that with the change of time table this month close connection will be
made with the milk train up Sunday morning at Waterloo, instead of in
the afternoon as at present. We hope this change will be made, as it will
give us our Sunday papers several hours earlier and at a reduced price.
The West End Iron Company are making arrangements to commence mining operations
at the old Waterloo Mine, on the mountain between Allamuchy and Waterloo.
An engine, boiler and other machinery are now at the mine and are being
placed in position. Over five hundred tons of rich ore have been taken
from the mine developed on the farm of Mr. Haggerty, near Allamuchy.
New Jersey Herald - September 14, 1881 issue
The telegraph office at the Sussex R. R. depot has been
removed to the ticket office, and our young friend, James Quackenbush,
son of Engineer Quackenbush, one of the oldest employees on the road,
has been placed in charge of both. The appointment is a good one.
The Sussex and Warwick Valley railroad companies will run special trains
during the last three days of the Orange county fair to be held at Warwick
on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. The trains on
the Sussex road will leave as follows: Newton, 6:40 A. M., connecting
at Franklin with a train that leaves that station at 7:45, Hamburg Junction
at 7:55, arriving at the Fair grounds at 8:40. The train leaving Waterloo
at 10:17 A.M., Andover at 10:33, Newton 10:45, connects with train at
Franklin at 11:40 leaves Hamburg Junction at 11:50, and arrives at the
fair grounds at 12:28. Returning the train will leave the fair grounds
at 4:30 P.M., making close connection at Franklin with the Midland and
Sussex roads. Parties proposing to visit the fair from this section should
cut this out for reference.
New Jersey Herald - September 28, 1881 issue
Engineers Quackenbush and Davenport, of the Sussex
road, had their engines handsomely draped in mourning in respect to
the memory of the late president.
New Jersey Herald - December 21, 1881 issue
The present owners of the Sussex Railroad are continuing
the same dog-in-the-manger policy which actuated their predecessors.
The New York, Susquehanna & Western, and the Lehigh & Hudson
River roads are each compelled to cross their track twice, on grade,
and the owners of the Sussex road having refused all terms and resolved
on a fight, the new companies above mentioned have made application
to the court for the appointment of Commissioners to condemn the right
of way across the Sussex track.