Sussex Register - September 22, 1881 issue
The final transfer of the Mcafee branch by the
Sussex Railroad Company to the Lehigh & Hudson River railroad has
been made. The deed conveys all the rights of the Sussex Railroad, to
the use of the Midland track between Hamburgh Junction and Franklin station.
The Engineers of the L. & H. R., Co. are now making the final location
of their line, connecting with the McAfee branch. Over two thousand tons
of rails and fastenings have been delivered along the line, between Belvidere
and Andover, and the track laying north of Belvidere is progressing.
Trains for Warwick leave Newton at 6:40 and 11:50 a.m.,
and 3:13 p. m. Persons can remain on the fair grounds until 4:30 p.
m., and reach Newton at 6:50 p. m.