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New Jersey Herald - July 20, 1881 issue
Sale of the Sussex Railroad

After several weeks of negotiation on the part of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. company for the purchase or lease of the Sussex railroad, during which time many rumors have been in circulation, the road has at last been sold to the D. L. & W. company.

The sale was consummated on Friday morning last, [July 14,] and the same day Mr. Blair visited Newton and notified the officials at this station. The D. L. & W. company purchased the entire road, with the exception of that part of the road extending from Hamburg Junction to McAfee Valley, which has been purchased by the Lehigh & Hudson River R. R. company, and will form a part of their main line. The road has been transferred to the new owners and is now under their management, and as soon a they can perfect their plans will be operated as a branch of their road under the name of the Sussex branch of the D. L. & W. R. R.

Last Saturday A. R. Reasoner, Superintendent of the D. L. & W. W. H. Lewis, Master Mechanic, Thos. R. Stout, Paymaster, S. Griffith, Boss Carpenter, and another gentleman whose names we failed to learn, passed over the road to Franklin and Branchville, inspecting the line. A new time table will probably be issued about the 1st of August, when our people will have an opportunity to judge whether the sale of the road will benefit Newton and the other places on the line or not. Additional facilities, that would prove of great benefit to Newton and the section of the county adjacent to the road, could be given us with the same number of trains that are now run over the road, but whether we will receive them under the new management time will develop. Still we have great confidence in Mr. Reasoner, the Superintendent of the D. L. & W. Road, under whose management it is reported the Sussex road will be placed. He is a thorough railroad man, and we predict his aim will be to build up the road and increase its business by giving the people the best of accommodations. It is thought by many that the change of management will result in a reduction of rates on freight and expressage. This, however, is all conjecture, as very little is known as to how the road will be managed, but there is no doubt will receive some benefit from the change. A corpse of engineers are now engaged in surveying a line from Andover to Stanhope, and it is reported that the company intend extending the road from Andover to that place, and on its completion will run all passenger trains to Stanhope instead of Waterloo.

Below we publish the official announcement of the sale made by Mr. Blair, the President:

Blairstown, N.J., July 15, 1881.

E. C. Case, Esq, General Manager and Superintendent Sussex Railroad.

My Dear Sir:--I herewith inform you that we have this day sold the control of the Sussex Railroad. That short portion of the road, north of Hamburgh Junction we sold to the Lehigh & Hudson Railroad company. The other portion will pass under the control of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad company. In this sale all fare equally alike. Circulars will be sent to all our stockholders explaining the terms. Dividends will be made in cash to each stockholder, so as to close up all within sixty days.The company would be pleased to retain you in your present position, but should you still desire to go West, I have to request that you will stay until some other is put in charge, and then explain and turn over the property.Before closing, I desire in behalf of the company to express the high regard we have for you as a General Manager and Superintendent, your untiring industry entitles you to the management of a much larger concern. You will convey to the employees that they all have the full confidence of the company, and one and all have performed their duties faithfully. They are all requested to remain. Should any changes be made, places will be provided for them. As to myself, my age and indisposition is such that I must resign as soon as another can be elected to fill my place.

With kind regards to all,

John I. Blair, President.

Mr. Case we understand will go West in a few weeks to take charge of a railroad belonging to Mr. Blair. Mr. Blair has also disposed of the Blairstown Railroad to the New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad company, and the road from Blairstown to Columbia will form a part of the main line.  
