Miscellaneous Articles from 1878
New Jersey Herald - January 2, 1878 issue
Wm. Pellet, the mail agent of the Sussex railroad,
has donned his uniform, under the order recently issued by the Post
Office Department, and to use a female adjective it is "just splendid."
New Jersey Herald - January 16, 1878 issue
The morning train due at this station [Newton]
at 10:48 was detained nearly two hours yesterday by the blowing out
of a cylinder head near the White Hall switch.
New Jersey Herald - January 23, 1878 issue
Engineer William Nolan, of the Sussex Railroad, had
his hand badly smashed on Monday morning, while engaged in repairing
his engine at the machine shops.
New Jersey Herald - February 6, 1878 issue
Friday evening the last Sussex milk train was unable
to reach McAffee's Valley, owing to a heavy snow-drift in Haines' cut.
The milk was sent to the Hamburg station. On Thursday night Superintendent
Case sent a train over the road, and on Friday the mail trains were
running on time.
New Jersey Herald - March 20, 1878 issue
Superintendent Case, of the Sussex railroad, had a
force of men engaged the past week in preparing lumber for the erection
of a new bridge across the roadway at Waterloo, and after the passage
of the milk train on Saturday evening the old bridge was torn down and
the new one erected in time for the Sunday evening milk train to make
its trip. Mr. Case contemplates many other improvements along the line
at an early day.
New Jersey Herald - May 1, 1878 issue
Superintendent Case is improving the appearance of
the old freight depot in this place [Newton] by giving it a
coat of paint, a thing long needed.
New Jersey Herald - July 3 , 1878 issue
The Sussex Railroad Company will run a special train
to Branchville to-morrow. The train will leave Newton at 8 A.M., and
returning will leave Branchville at 5 P.M.
New Jersey Herald - July 10, 1878 issue
The baggagemaster on the Branchville train has become
so proficient in the handling of baggage and mail that he now catches
the mail bag at the Augusta station on the "fly," thus avoiding a stop
at this station when there are no passengers.
New Jersey Herald - July 24, 1878 issue
The Sussex Railroad Company have just completed a handsome
new passenger car, which will be placed on the road in a few days.
New Jersey Herald - August 7, 1878 issue
The sink hole on the meadows below this place [Newton]
has been entirely filled up with trees and gravel, and trains are running
regularly over this part of the road.
The milk train on Monday evening struck a cow this side of the Andover
saw mill, killing the animal almost instantly. On Saturday morning last
the nine o'clock train killed seven pigs near White Hall.
The new passenger car of the Sussex Railroad Company was placed on the
morning train last week. It is finished in handsome style and reflects
credit on the workmen and the company.
New Jersey Herald - August 14, 1878 issue
Several property owners along the line of the Sussex
Railroad inform us that it is impossible for them to keep down the weeds
on their lands, as long as the company allow wild carrot and other weeds
to grow in great abundance along their entire road season after season.
It is suggested that if each section gang was given orders to take a
scythe along with them, and a few minutes each day at this season devoted
to cutting down the weeds, the road would soon be cleared, and the farmers
greatly benefited. It is along the lines of railroads where these pestiferous
weeds originated, and railroad companies should assist in exterminating
New Jersey Herald - August 21, 1878 issue
We are pleased to note that Superintendent Case has
carried out the suggestion made by us last week, and has had a number
of men engaged for several days in cutting down the wild carrot and
other weeds along the line of the railroad.
New Jersey Herald - September 18, 1878 issue
The Sussex milk train on its return from McAfee's Valley
on Thursday evening last ran over two cows, near the Y at Franklin,
killing them and throwing the cars from the track. The Milk train and
the Orange County Express on the N.J. Midland were delayed over an hour
by the accident.
New Jersey Herald - October 9, 1878 issue
The Milk train on the Sussex Railroad was delayed until
nearly midnight on Saturday last, by the breaking of an axle on the
locomotive as the train was leaving Franklin.
New Jersey Herald - October 30, 1878 issue
Joseph Devore, a brakeman on the Sussex Railroad, had
his foot quite badly crushed on Wednesday last, while coupling cars
at Warbasse's Junction. He was standing on the platform, and in making
the coupling his foot slipped between the bumpers.
New Jersey Herald - November 13, 1878 issue
A force of seventy five men are engaged in repairing
the sink hole on the meadows below this place. [Newton] Although
the track has settled several feet, trains are running regularly over
this part of the road.
New Jersey Herald - November 20, 1878 issue
The Sussex Railroad Company have been engaged for several
days in repairing the "cut off" from Drake's pond, and placing it in
good condition for travel. The company were compelled to repair this
part of their road, as it will require considerable time to repair the
roadbed, across the meadows, which has settled entirely out of sight,
and left an opening that will cost a large sum of money to place in
a substantial condition.
New Jersey Herald - November 27, 1878 issue
The Sussex Railroad Company have laid new rails and
ties on the "cut-off" from Drake's pond, and have placed the roadbed
in first class condition. The Company will be compelled to run all trains
over this part of the road during the Winter.
New Jersey Herald - December 11, 1878 issue
The telegraph operators of the Morris and Essex Division
will hold their fourth annual Social at the Warren House, Hackettstown,
on New Year's Eve. Mr. W.N. Gray, the popular agent of the company at
Waterloo, has been selected as one of the floor managers.
New Jersey Herald - December 18, 1878 issue
The Sussex Railroad Company commenced work on the sink
hole on the meadows below Town [Newton] on Monday of this week.
They have laid a track around the sink hole, and will fill it with large
rock secured from a cut on the "cut-off." A large force of men are engaged
in getting out this rock, and at the sink hole.