Archives> Misc. 1877
Miscellaneous Articles from 1877
New Jersey Herald - August 1, 1877 issue
The strike on the D. L. & W. R. R. has made business
lively for the employees on the Sussex Road. Wednesday night last the
milk train was shipped to the Midland, and the trains on this road were
kept out to a late hour. The employees of this road are courteous and
faithful, and are ever watchful over the interest of the company and
the comfort of the traveling public.
In the matter of the assessment of the Sussex Railroad Company, Chief
Justice Beasley, of the Supreme Court, on Thursday, rendered a decision
reducing the assessment of the Commissioners from $1,875,100 to the valuation
admitted by the company of $400,360, which reduces the State tax from
$9,375.50 to 2,001.80. The case was argued by J.G. Shipman for the company,
and W. Y. Johnson for the State.
The Saturday morning train on the Sussex Railroad struck a large ox in
the woods below the Reservoir. The animal was caught between the pilot
of the engine and the ties, and slightly bruised. The train was backed
down and his oxship rolled from the track, when it started at a 2.40 gait
for Waterloo. As it approached the depot, bellowing at every jump, "Billy"
Smith barred the windows and doors, believing that a gang of strikers
from Port Morris were about making a raid on the depot, and then started
for "Spoontown."
New Jersey Herald - August 8, 1877 issue
The lime Company of Sayer & Co., have bought three
miles of the Newark and Clinton horse car railroad, which they intend
to use in laying a track from their kilns to Rudeville quarry. This
company are doing a large business shipping lime daily to Newark and
other places.
the 125 years a go section of the New Jersey Herald Sunday December
22, 2002
December 19, 1877
The Sussex Railroad Company have men at work repairing
the bridge on the
Branchville division. As soon as the work is completed a new turntable
will be built at Franklin Furnace and a new bridge at Waterloo, across
the incline plain (sic) of the Morris Canal.