New Jersey Herald - March 22, 1876 issue
The Midland is now carrying over 900 cans of milk a
day, including 50 from the Sussex road. In the flush they expect to
have 2,000 cans, and to get 3000 of it from the Sussex road.
New Jersey Herald - September 27 1876
(from the 125 years ago section NJH September 9,
Several car loads of lime stone have recently been shipped
over the Sussex road, from the Franklin Furnace quarry, to Scranton, Pa.
A large ox, the property of Mr. Peter Smith, of Waterloo, was struck and
killed by the 6:30 a.m. engine, on Tuesday morning.
New Jersey Herald - September 27 1876
(from 100 years ago section NJH September 30, 2001)
The empty coal cars of the D. L. & W. and Sussex
Railroads are now sent to Franklin Furnace and loaded with ore for shipment
to the Scranton Furnace, instead of returning them to the coal regions
empty as heretofore.
New Jersey Herald - October 11, 1876 issue
(from 125 years ago section - October 14, 2001 NJH)
The 5 o'clock train from this station was delayed over
half an hour on Saturday afternoon by a freight car jumping the track
in the yard.
New Jersey Herald -
December 13, 1876 issue
(from 125 years ago section - December 16, 2001 NJH)
A sufficient quantity of wire has been received at
Waterloo to replace the old telegraph wire between that place and Newton,
and to complete the line to Franklin.