Miscellaneous Articles from 1870
New Jersey Herald - March
31, 1870 issue
We learn that Mr. Hemingway of the
Branchville depot is to succeed Mr. Chas. Arvis at the Newton Depot,
and Mr. Arvis takes the place of Mr. Case as Superintendent of the
Sussex Railroad, Mr. Case having been assigned a position on some
western road.
Report has it that a third rail is to be laid on the
Sussex Road, and that work will commence in a few days at the slate
cut south of Newton, and at the lime rock, in the vicinity of Samuel
Oliver's, with a view to widening of the track between Waterloo and
Sussex Register April 7, 1870 issue
has gone abroad that Superintendent Case of the Sussex Railroad has
been assigned to a position on some Western road. We are happy to
know that it is not correct, Mr. Case will remain in Newton, as the
road cannot afford to lose his valuable services. We would be pleased
to see Mr. Arvis promoted and prospered as he deserves, but do not
wish him to crowd Mr. Case out of Newton.
The Sussex Company has no idea of laying
a third rail between Franklin and Waterloo as reported.
The report that Mr. Hemingway, of Branchville,
has been assigned to a position at the Newton Depot is correct.
New Jersey Herald- April 21, 1870 issue
The frame for a new Depot has been erected
at Franklin, directly in the rear of the site of the old store house.
New Jersey Herald- April 21, 1870 issue
We learn that by virtue of a recent
arrangement between the Franklin and Midland Railroad companies, all
that portion of the Franklin road between Fowler mill and Franklin
Furnace, embracing the high grading over the Wallkill, on the direct
route of the Midland road from the Fowler place to Munson's Gap, has
been transferred to the Midland Company, together with its equipments
in exchange for three miles of graded road, and similarly equipped,
on the route of the Wallkill and Pequest road, between Franklin and
Hamburg, to be used in each instance for the mutual interest of both
companies. This will be a great accommodation to the traveling public
who may have occasion to pass over both roads. The work at Franklin
cost about $100,000.
New Jersey Herald- July 7, 1870 issue
1,757 Passengers passed over the Sussex
Railroad on Monday last, July 4th, to and from the celebration at
New Jersey Herald- July 28, 1870 issue
The new depot at Franklin is finished,
and makes a good appearance.
New Jersey Herald- July 28, 1870 issue
The "Abram S. Hewitt" now makes regular
trips to Lafayette Junction, over the Branchville road, and is doing
a fair business in carrying freight and passengers.
New Jersey Herald- July 28, 1870 issue
There is now in possession of S.H. Stivers,
of Branchville, an old clock, which is now undergoing repairs, with
the intention of placing it in the Sussex Railroad Depot at that place.
This clock was made by Anthony Ward, in Germany, and was brought to
this country by William Beemer, who settled in Frankford Township,
in the year 1690, and has been in possession of his descendants until
a few years ago, when it was sold for a trifling sum to Mr. Stivers.
The works and face are made of brass. The face is of solid brass,
polished and plainly marked, and arranged so as to keep the day of
the month, hours, minutes and seconds. The case is black walnut. It
seems a little strange that the first clock that ever came into Frankford
Township, should be placed in their Railroad Depot.
New Jersey Herald- July 28, 1870 issue
About five hundred children with their
parents and guardians, took part in the Sunday School Excursion, on
Thursday of last week. After a delightful trip over the Sussex Railroad,
visiting Andover, Waterloo, Lafayette, Branchville and Franklin on
their route, the party arrived in the afternoon at Oliver's Grove,
where the balance of the day was pleasantly spent pic-nicking and
listening to the delightful music of the Newton Cornet Band which
accompanied the party. All returned in the evening greatly pleased
with the enjoyments and festivities of the day. The excursion was
a complete success in point of numbers and enjoyment, as well as in
its financial results. Much credit is due Rev. Mr. Craig, and those
who assisted him, for their untiring efforts in making the arrangements
and promoting the enjoyment of the crowd. Thanks to Messrs. Case and
Arvis, and conductor Duffield, of the Sussex Railroad, the trains
were run smoothly and safely, and no accident occurred to mar the
festivities of the occasion. We hope the other Sabbath schools of
the town and its surroundings, will imitate the good example set by
their Baptist friends, and provide their scholars with like innocent,
New Jersey Herald- November 3, 1870 issue
The arch of the new stone bridge over
the Wallkill, at Franklin, has just been completed, and the work done
in a thorough manner. When completed it will cost the county $1,500;
but the Franklin Company, under the supervision of John H. Brown,
will probably expend a much larger sum in completing it, and changing
the bed of the Wallkill at that point.
New Jersey Herald- December 1, 1870 issue
The Susex Railroad Company are building
a switch at Drake's pond.
The stone work on the Sussex extension is about finished
from the Wallkill to McAffe's corner, excepting on lands of Wm. H.
Edsall, at Hamburgh.