Narrowing the Gauge
How the entire track of the D.L. & W R.R.
from Oswego to New York, will be changed in twenty-four hours
Binghamton Republican- It is contemplated, when all
the preparations are completed, to change the gauge over the entire
line of the Delaware, Lackawanna - Western Track with in twenty four
hours. The operation will consist in moving one of the rails 1 foot
3 1-2 inches nearer the other. The workmen along the line are already
leveling and smoothing the ties where the rail will be placed when moved
and everything that is possible will be done in advance, to facilitate
the final operation.
Some time before the day fixed for moving the rail
its position will be accurately lined out on the ties, and the spikes
on the inner side driven nearly down. A day or two before the "moving"
as many of the spikes will be driven from their present position on
the inner side of the rail to be moved as can be done with safety (It
will be remembered that the pressure of wheels is mostly on the outer
spikes.)On the day fixed for changing in the gauge it will only be necessary
to draw the remaining spikes on the inner side; move the rail against
the spikes already driven in the new position, tighten them, and spike
the outer side of the rail. As every minute will be valuable the present
outer spikes will be left until a more convenient season.
The "section hands" on the road at present number six
to the section(of about five or six miles) On the day fixed for making
the change each of those men will be a "boss" for the occasion, with
six men under him. It is thought the gang of seven men will be able
to change a mile of track a day. If all works as well as anticipated,
there will be no serious obstacle of completing the job in the prescribed
time. It is expected that some day in the early part of May will be
fixed upon for the undertaking
Posted to the NYSW Yahoo Group by Richard Palmer (by
way of Ralph McClive <>)