Night Among the Snowdrifts
Mr. Editor:-Myself
and nine others, including one lady passenger, left Waterloo Station
on Thursday morning at quarter past 11 o'clock for Newton by Conductor
Burrell's train. The snow at that time was of a depth to seriously impede
travel, and the storm increasing at every moment.
By the time we
commenced going up the grade of the Waterloo mountain it was barely
possible for the engine to pull the one car and keep moving. Finally
we came to a stand-still, and the train hands took to their shovels,
but the snow was of that loose nature that it was almost impossible
to clear the way by shoveling, and the cold so intense that it was beyond
human endurance for the men to remain out any length of time on the
cutting wind of the mountain. We then cut loose the engine and would
run it ahead for a short space to break open the road, then run back,
hook on to the car and run on as far as the engine had pushed its way
through. This, to say the least, is but a slow way of traveling, and
we found the day slipping away and every prospect of spending the night
in the mountains. This process of backing and filling as it is called,
or in other words, running the engine ahead to open the roads, then
hooking on to the car and pulling ahead as far as opened, is very exhausting
to the water tank, and by the time we had nearly reached the summit
we found we were just out of water, and no regular tank to obtain from
short of Newton, but a possibility that we might get enough from the
reservoir or some brook by carrying in buckets, to enable us to run
to Newton.
So the engine containing
all the train men with their shovels and buckets was cut loose and amid
the howling wind and drifting snow, their cheery good-bye came back
to us in the car. We then all felt that the chances were that we should
have to remain there for the night as the probability was they could
not reach any point to get water that night. We had left with us Conductor
Burrell to look after us and provide for our comfort, and here let me
say that a truer-hearted Christian gentleman never lived. Mr. Burrell
told his passengers in his kind manner that he hoped for the return
of the engine and to be able to get them through to Newton; but he also
said they might have to remain just where they were until morning, at
least, and set about preparing for their comfort. The stock of fuel
was inspected and found to be sufficient for a few hours only.
An ax was produced
and volunteers were found to chop down the small trees and carry them
to the car which I can assure you was quite an undertaking, as the snow
in many places was waist deep. Once in the car, the front end of which
was used for mail and express matter, they had an abundance of room
to work the wood up into stove length. Mr. Burrell found a saw which
was of very great assistance. We unfortunately had a car with but one
small wood stove and only green wood to burn, we had to watch it very
closely to keep our fire going; but with every one willing to assist,
we passed that long night if not exactly comfortably, without suffering.
Mr. Burrell by
turning over seats and rearranging cushions made a very comfortable
bed for his lady passenger, and with the addition of a large warm comforter
which he produced, she was free from cold for the night. And I will
say here that in all my railroad experiences of being snow-bound, as
the phrase is, I never saw a party of travelers who as good-naturedly
adapted themselves to the situation and endeavored each to make the
other comfortable.
And let me here
speak of Mr. Burrell's assistants who after shoveling and working all
day in the storm, brought out their own scanty lunch from dinner pails
and generously divided with hungry passengers. Friday morning found
us in that wild place barely comfortable from the cold, and with famishing
appetites, many of us not having tasted food since early on Thursday
morning. It was resolved to send out a party to see if they could not
force their way through the snow to Lambert Hamler's place, a distance
little less than a mile, and get some provisions, but previous to their
starting Mr. Reis, a student of the Theological College of New Brunswick,
expressed a desire to offer up prayers to Almighty God for our safe
deliverance. And I doubt if through the length and breadth of our land
a more devout and fervent prayer was offered up to the Almighty on that
wild morn than was thus offered up in that lone car and in those wild
A party of five
started with Mr. Burrell to try and get through to Hamler's. After an
absence of nearly three hours they returned drawing Mr. Hamler's sleigh
with them down the track and reporting that a good breakfast was awaiting
us at Mr. Hamler's. Our stay in that car after that report was of the
shortest kind.
The sleigh was
drawn up to the car, the lady passenger put in, the bell cord taken
out of the car and doubled and attached to the sleigh, and grasped by
strong hands we started, arriving at Mr. Hamler's without any mishap
but thoroughly chilled for it was so intensely cold that we could not
keep warm walking, although some part of the way we were wallowing through
snow waist deep.
Of Mr. Hamler I
cannot say enough. They left nothing undone for our comfort. A bountiful
repast was provided for us and the heat of fires to thaw us out, with
a kind tender of their house and all things in it for our comfort until
we could be sure of the roads being open and of our getting through.
About 5 o'clock we heard the welcome sound of our engine's whistle,
and it soon passed by us in company with another engine and caboose,
at a fearful speed throwing the snow like a whirlwind.
We knew they were
going down for our car and expected they would on their return take
us aboard and got ourselves up to the track; but as they were going
to put our car on the siding at the summit and then push on to Waterloo
to see if any passengers or mails were there, they shouted to us in
passing that they would pick us up on their return. So we returned to
Hotel de Hamler and enjoyed a good dinner.
On the return from
Waterloo, we were kindly taken aboard, and found the bone and muscle
of the Sussex road, for every employee of that company from trackman
up had been working day and night to force and keep open their road.
Among the many familiar faces in that closely packed car I noticed that
old veteran Jimmy Daly, never happier than when plowing or shoveling
through a snowdrift. And I think that all will agree with me that too
much praise cannot be bestowed upon the management of the Sussex road
for the energetic measures always taken by that company to keep their
road open during the severe winter snow storms, and the result is that
the Sussex road is open to-day while its connecting roads are still
We arrived in Newton
about 9 o'clock, happy and thankful to reach home.
Newton, December
28, 1872.