New Jersey Herald - April 17, 1873 issue
Accident at Andover-An accident, threatening
at one time serious consequences, happened to the noon mail train from
Waterloo on Saturday. The train was running at the rate of about twenty-five
miles an hour when it encountered a broken rail near the mine switch,
this side of Andover, over which all the train passed safely except the
rear passenger car. This car jumped the track and went jolting along,
much to the discomfort of the frightened passengers. Supt. Case, who was
on the car, manfully stood to his post, despite the coals from the stove
which fell about him, and vigorously rang the bell until the train was
stopped. One passenger received bruises about his knee, but with this
exception nobody was hurt. The passengers were placed in the smoking car
and brought to town, and the damaged car was removed in time for the passage
of the 1:35 P.M. train.