The Newton Depot
The plans and specifications for the new depot, to
be built at Newton by the Sussex Railroad Company, are now ready for
examination. The plans and specifications were drawn by Mr. William
Thompson, Engineer of the road, and if they are carried out, the depot
will be one of the finest in the State. The main building is to be 52
feet, 2 inches long, by 22 feet, 2 inches wide, two full stories high
with pediment roof. There is to be a wing at each end of the building
8 feet, 11 inches by 16 feet, 2 inches, and a projection in the front
and rear of the building 16 feet, wide and 3 feet deep, and extending
the full length of the building. The first story is to be 12 feet clear
and the second story 10 feet clear in height. The foundations are to
be of stone, and the material above the water tables will be brick with
limestone trimmings. The wood work is to be black-walnut and ash. The
first floor is to be double and of Georgia pine. The floor in the second
story will be of the same material 1 1/4 inch thick, with some non-conductor
of sound beneath. The upper story is to be used for offices for the
engineer and general agent, and will also contain a fire-proof room
for the safe keeping of tickets and valuable papers belonging to the