Miscellaneous Articles from 1867
New Jersey Herald - April 18,
1867 issue
The work of grading the track of the railway between Drake's
Pond and Branchville, is being vigorously presented, the contractor promising
to have it completed by August next. The Deckertown people are also becoming
more united and enthusiastic, in contemplation of the early completion
of the intervening link--the Goshen and Deckertown railway--necessary
to make the connections between the New Jersey roads and the Northern
railways through the great Wallkill Valley complete.
Owing to some difficulty existing between our freighters and the managers
of the Sussex Railroad, about eighteen calves were turned from the pen
at the depot on Wednesday of last week, and allowed to roam about the
streets uncared for by either party. This afforded a fine opportunity
for a portion of our veal-loving population to "lay in" a supply without
the necessity of calling on owners or butchers. Accordingly a "raid" was
made on the unsuspecting juvenile bovines, which were soon brought to
bay and "confiscated" agreeably to the "rules of war."
We regret this misunderstanding between the Company
and freighters as it is detrimental to the farmers and business men,
and, in fact to all parties concerned. It is hoped that an adjustment
may speedily be made, as the business interests of the County demand