Franklin - The work on the Sussex R.R. is being
rapidly pushed to a completion under the supervision of Messrs, Smith,
Tewell and Irwin. The grading is all finished to the terminus of the road,
and the stone work for the abutments of the bridge will be completed within
a week. Nothing further remains to be done except to build a bridge across
one span, fill in a portion of the heavy embankment and lay the track.
The whole will probably be completed by the first of January.
The company are putting up a temporary engine house,
near Franklin to accommodate their engines this winter, and we believe,
propose to erect one of brick, as well as a depot, next spring.
The Franklinite Co. also have in view a new brick store
and blast furnace, which will eventually give employment to a large
number of men. The embryo town is destined ere long to vie with Scranton
in its iron works and mineral wealth. Buildings are going up rapidly
and the only impediment to the increase of the town, seems to be the
want of lots whereon to built. A coal and lumber yard is now in operation
under the management of Mr. J. L. Brown, and both will eventually prosper.