New Jersey Herald - August 5, 1854 issue
While visiting the Slate Rock Cut on the Sussex Railroad,
about a week since, an intelligent section-master informed us that the
cars will be carrying iron ore by steam power from Andover Mine to Waterloo,
in a week hence. A well-finished and durable foundation for a turn-table,
sufficiently large to turn both locomotive and tender at once, is now
in process of erection, on the outskirts of the village, a few rods
below Dr. Stuart's residence.
(This article refers to the Newton Turntable.-DR)
Sussex Register - September 16, 1854 issue
We regret to learn that Thomas Hewitt, Esq., President
of the Sussex Railroad, was thrown from his sulky on Tuesday, somewhere
near Andover, and badly injured--his left arm being seriously fractured
and his head and other parts of his body considerably bruised.