Snow Blockade
Snow Blockade -- On Sunday and Monday last we had our
full share of the snow storm which prevailed all over the country. It
commenced snowing in this locality on Saturday night, and on the two
following days, the bitter cold Nor' West wind tossed the fleecy snow
into banks, effectively blocking up the avenues leading from the village
[Newton], and laying an embargo on all communication with the
outer world. On Tuesday the wind and weather moderated, and became somewhat
more endurable, when our townspeople turned out, and having cleared
away the formidable barricades erected by old Boread from their respective
domiciles, and places of business, shouldered their shovels and marched
in platoons to assistance of the Railroad folks, and after three or
four hours of incessant labor, by their combined {labor cleared} the
track to Andover, shortly after which the Sussex {cars carried them
home} to the Depot.
{} indicate areas where the actual words were unreadable. In these
places I used conjecture and context to fill in the blanks. --DR