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New Jersey Herald - April 15, 1909 issue
R. R. Accommodations at Warbasses.
Commissioners Fail To Meet in Newton - What The Public Want.

The Board of Railroad Commissioners failed from some unknown reason to arrive in Newton last Friday for the purpose of inquiring into the railroad accommodations of the Susquehanna railroad at Warbasses Junction. It was suggested that as Good Friday had been made a legal holiday by the Legislature of New Jersey, the Commissioners proposed to take advantage of the day for a day of rest and recreation. whatever the cause, the Commissioners failed to put in an appearance, and no inquiry was held. That something should be done to improve station accommodations at Warbasses is undisputed. The station at that place consists of an old abandoned freight car dropped at the side of the track. It will not accommodate half a dozen persons, and it is barely possible for a person to stand upright within its doors. for years the people in the neighborhood, and the traveling public, who are transferred at this point for the Lackawanna road have complained of the accommodations, and we are informed, promises have been made of improvements, only to be broken by the company. It is not only the station accommodations that are the cause of all the complaints heard form the patrons of both the Susquehanna and Lackawanna railroad. The two stations are about two hundred yards apart, and there are no facilities for a passenger traveling with a trunk, to have it transferred from one station to another. Only a few weeks ago a lady visiting near Fredon, desiring to go to Sparta, had to be taken to the Stillwater station, instead of coming to Newton, as her trunk could not be transferred at Warbasses to the Susquehanna. Another complaint is the connection of trains at Warbasses between the two roads. It was suggested at the Sheriff's office last Friday morning that the station at the Susquehanna road should be at the point where the two railroads cross, with an L platform along the tracks. The trains on both roads have to come to a stop at this point, and the erection of a station at that point would result in no loss of time to trains. Another suggestion, that the Commissioners could take up the matter of several dangerous crossings in this county with a good deal of propriety. It is to be hoped that the meeting of the Commissioners in this county will not long be deferred, as we feel safe in saying that any matter laid before them will receive the same consideration as similar matters in other counties. The traveling public have been benefited in other parts of the State by conferring with the Commissioners, why not in Sussex county? Since the above was in type we have received the following from Mr. Samuel Warbasse: The New Jersey Railroad Commission did not meet at the Court House on last Friday, as was expected, because the date inadvertently selected, was on Good Friday, which has recently been made a legal holiday. They have now arranged for a hearing in reference to station accommodations at Warbasses on Friday, the 16th, at eleven o'clock, in the Court House. The matter of better train connections with the Lackawanna at this point will also be considered. This fact should prompt public spirited citizens to attend the hearing in the interest of travelers, which are the public - for we all travel more or less - and give a good cause the benefit of their endorsement and active support.

Article sent to me by Kevin Wright.