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Archives>Misc. 1891
Miscellaneous Articles from1891


New Jersey Herald - January 29, 1891 issue

Last Monday morning an old conductor on the D. L. & W. R. R., whose name we failed to learn, had one of his hands badly lacerated while handling the trunks of the jubilee singers at Waterloo. The troupe had come from Branchville that morning, and while transferring the baggage the conductor's hand was caught beneath one of the heavy trunks, and the flesh in places torn from his fingers clear to the bone.

Last Friday Conductor Knox, of the Sussex Railroad, killed a garter snake at Waterloo that measured nearly three feet. Its snakeship had taken up its winter quarters under the waiting room of the station, and Ben had seen it several times the present winter, but allowed it to escape to its quarters. A few winters ago Conductor Knox discovered a snake beneath the platform, but it was dead gave it no further attention. Frequently during the season in passing the spot he noticed the reptile in the same place. One day, in early spring, when the sun was sending forth its rays quite warmly, he was standing near the platform and suddenly noticed that the snake was attempting to move about. It was hauled out on the platform, where it was left for a short time, when it suddenly became as lively a snake as any person would wish to see. As the railroad boys are not fond of having snakes about the platform, where they sometimes nap in the sun, this snake was also dispatched.

New Jersey Herald - February 26, 1891 issue

The rickety old cars that do service upon the Sussex Railroad are a shameful disgrace to the D. L. & W. R. R. Co. but a disgrace that rests lightly upon this company, we presume, as long as their exhibit at the end of the year shows the usual exorbitant profits to its stockholders. Yet we cannot but feel that the directors of this great corporation would hide their faces in shame were they to take passage for instance on the 9 o'clock train from Franklin to Waterloo, and hear their faithful employees apologize for the worn out affairs that parade as passenger coaches, which are positively unfit for a lady to occupy. How long, oh, how long will this state of affairs exist? Certainly the traffic of the road is of sufficient magnitude to warrant decent conveniences for the traveling public. Mr. Directors, the time-serving people of Sussex do not ask for vestibule trains, or the ubiquitous colored porter. All we want is something decent. We may be a common herd, but we do not know the difference between a cattle pen and the style of cars in use upon the average railroad. Please, Mr. Directors, hear our cry!

New Jersey Herald - March 19, 1891 issue

The Andover depot was set on fire Wednesday morning by sparks from a wood burning engine. The fire was discovered soon afterward, and by some pretty sharp work the flames were extinguished. The old depot had a narrow escape from total destruction.

New Jersey Herald - April 2, 1891 issue

A comfortable depot has been established at the junction of the Sussex and P. P. & N. H. R. R.'s at Augusta, which was opened for business April 1, under management of Charles Gibbs, formerly of Andover.

New Jersey Herald - April 23, 1891 issue

Last Monday morning as the 8:30 train from Newton was descending the heavy grade down the mountain this side of Waterloo, Engineer Lockwood discovered three cows on the track near the Musconetcong bridge. The train was a heavy one, consisting of several gondolas loaded with pig iron. It was impossible to stop the train, and the cows refusing to leave the track, the train, at a good rate of speed, rushed down upon them, the cow-catcher of the locomotive picking them up, and after throwing them several feet into the air, piled the cattle up along-side of the track. Each one of the three were killed almost instantly. They belonged to a farmer named Yetter.

Injured at Waterloo

Lemuel Washer, an extra brakemen on the Sussex Railroad, met with a very serious accident in the Waterloo yards last Thursday morning. He has been in the employ of the company for some time past, and recently has been sent out on trains as an extra brakeman. Last Thursday morning a loaded coal train was drilling in the yard at Waterloo when Washer stepped between two gondolas to make a coupling. The train was moving very slow and careful but in some manner Washer was caught between the bumpers and was seriously, and it is feared fatally injured. He was brought to his home in this town [Newton] in his train. His injuries are confined to his hips and lower portion of the body. At this writing there is no perceptible change in his condition.

New Jersey Herald - June 4, 1891 issue

Supt. Wm. Campbell, of the Sussex railroad, is the only railroad man along the line of the D. L. & W. R. R. who likes to go with the firemen. He was so well pleased with the Hoboken trip last Saturday that he says he wants to be in charge of the Coney Island excursion in August next. He brought the boys home in great shape Sunday Morning.

New Jersey Herald - November 26, 1891 issue

The new turntable in the Sussex Railroad yard at this place [Newton] will be completed in a few days. It will be the best erected turntable on the line between Newton and Hoboken, and will accommodate any locomotive on the main line.

New Jersey Herald - Dec 17, 1891 issue

The D. L. & W. R. R. brakemen do not fancy the new order compelling them to enter the car, walk forward to the fourth seat, and then call out the name of the station the train is about to stop at. The Sussex brakemen say they have no objection to the order, but look upon it as a wise measure, and think it could be improved upon by compelling them to go to the centre of the car.
