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Archives>Misc. 1880
Miscellaneous Articles from 1880


New Jersey Herald - January 28, 1880 issue

Monday morning of this week the Sussex Railroad company increased the fares between Newton and Waterloo and Newton and Franklin, from sixty to sixty five cents.

New Jersey Herald - March 10, 1880 issue

The Sussex Railroad company will rebuild the spur from Andover to the mines, a distance of about one mile, this spring. The ore is now carted by teams to the Andover depot. The company have also made a contract with Mr. John George, Of Ogdensburg, for the transportation of 100,000 tons of ore over their road to Waterloo.

New Jersey Herald - March 17, 1880 issue

The track laying on the McAfee Valley Railroad extension will be completed this week.

New Jersey Herald - March 31, 1880 issue

The main line of the Warwick Valley Railroad was connected with McAfee's extension on Saturday A number of Prominent Railroad men were present.

New Jersey Herald - April 14, 1880 issue

Regular passenger trains will be running on the McAfee's extension about the 1st of May.

New Jersey Herald - April 28, 1880 issue

W.J. Taylor & Co., the lessees of the mines at Andover, have purchased of the Central railroad company two locomotives, one to be used at the Andover mines and the other at their furnaces at Chester.

New Jersey Herald - June 2, 1880 issue

The Summer time table of the Sussex road goes into effect next Monday. There will be a train to and from Greycourt, N.Y., daily

A cow belonging to Richard Hendrie, the walking boss at the Franklin Mines, was killed by a train on the track at Franklin last Saturday evening.

New Jersey Herald - June 30 1880 issue

(from the 125 Years Ago section of the NJH July 3 2005)

the old Y at Franklin is to be rebuilt at once. This is necessary to give the Sussex road increased accommodations for their travel by way of of McAfee.

The large furnace at Franklin will be blown out in a few days. The last shipment of coal for the furnace passed over the Sussex railroad last week. It is reported that the company has ordered the furnace blown out for repairs and that work will again be resumed in the fall. The furnace is one of the largest in the country and since it was pout in blast the last time, it has been run to full capacity, averaging, perhaps, more tons of ore per month than any other furnace in operation. This will throw a large force of men out of employment.

New Jersey Herald - July 21, 1880 issue

Since the suspension of work at the furnace at Franklin the Sussex Railroad Company has discontinued one train and dismissed several trainmen.

New Jersey Herald - July 30, 1880 issue

The old Y at Franklin is to be rebuilt at once. This is necessary to give the Sussex road increased accommodations for their travel by the way of McAfee.

New Jersey Herald - August 4, 1880 issue

The Sussex Railroad company has now a large gang of men on that portion of its line from Hamburgh to McAfee engaged in putting down several thousand railroad ties, and renewing part of the track. It has also contracted for the building of a "Y" at Franklin, and the work will be finished in a few weeks, after which through passenger trains will be put on, running from Greycourt to Waterloo without change of cars.

New Jersey Herald - Aug-September 1880 issue

The work of erecting a substantial arched bridge over the Wallkill at Franklin, is progressing finely, the arch being more than half completed.

It is rumored that the Franklin Depot is soon to be removed to the junction of the Midland and Sussex roads, about a quarter of a mile from its present location.
Quite a large gang of men and teams are at work constructing the new "Y" at Franklin. Its completion is necessary to the running of through trains on the Sussex and Warwick Valley railroads, from Greycourt, on the Erie, to Waterloo on the D. L. & W.

New Jersey Herald - September 22, 1880 issue

On the day of the fireman's parade Sept 30th, the Sussex Railroad Company will sell special Excursion Tickets to Newton, good on that day only, at the following prices: From Branchville, Lafayette and Andover 25 cents, Sparta Station, 30 cents, Monroe, 40 cents, Franklin and Waterloo, 55 cents, Hamburg 65 cents, McAfee 75 cts.

New Jersey Herald - September 22, 1880 issue

Persons desiring to attend the Orange County Fair at Warwick this week, can leave stations on the Sussex R.R. as follows; Waterloo, 8:11 A.M. ; Newton, 8:50; Franklin, 9:25; Hamburg Junction, 9:30; McAfee, 9:45; Vernon, 10:10, arriving at the Fair Grounds at 10:30. Returning, leave Fair Grounds at 4 P.M.; arrive at Vernon 4:30; McAfee, 5:15; Hamburg Junction, 5:30; Franklin Furnace, 5:50; Newton, 6:50; Waterloo, 7:32.

From the New Jersey Herald - October 13, 1880 issue

The special train over the Sussex railroad last Wednesday evening, conveying Mr. C. D. Thompson and bride to Waterloo, ran into five mules near the Musconetcong bridge, this side of Waterloo, killing one and pitching the others down the embankment, injuring another so badly that it was found necessary to dispatch it. The remainder were but slightly injured. The Monday evening previous the extra freight from Franklin ran over a cow near Sparta Station, killing it instantly.

New Jersey Herald - December 1, 1880 issue

Thos. J. Allen, who graded the track on the fair grounds in this place, {Newton} and has just completed the Y at Franklin Furnace for the Sussex railroad, has secured a contract for building twenty miles of the extension of the D. L. & W. R. R., from Binghamton to Buffalo.

New Jersey Herald - December 15, 1880 issue

Last Wednesday night the water in the boiler of the locomotive of the morning mail train from Branchville to Waterloo, froze up, and the employees were unable to thaw it out in time to make the Thursday morning trip.
