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Miscellaneous Articles from 1873


New Jersey Herald - February 6, 1873 issue
The dummy engine was replaced on the Branchville branch of the Sussex road on Friday evening last.

New Jersey Herald - February 13, 1873 issue

The mechanics are busily engaged in putting the new roof on the engine house and repair shop at the depot.

On Monday evening the Branchville dummy, in charge of Conductor H.S. Fountain, and full of passengers, was on its way when the light went out, and some light fingered adept, taking advantage of the darkness, picked the pocket of Conductor Fountain, relieving him of his watch.

New Jersey Herald - March 6, 1873 issue

The tender of the locomotive on Conductor Burrell's evening train broke an axle in the Slate Cut on Thursday evening last. They proceeded as far as Drake's pond, from whence such passengers as could not ride in Eleaser Ogden's Lightning Express, were compelled to foot it to Newton. A special train was made up to take the up county passengers to Franklin.

New Jersey Herald - May 29, 1873

The Sussex R. R. Co., have put in a switch at the Lime Kilns of A. Puder near Andover, which is said to be the best lime for agricultural purposes in the State.

New Jersey Herald - July 9, 1873 issue

The Sussex Railroad Company is erecting a new bridge over the stream at Andover.

A laborer named Peter Sines, in the employ of the Franklin Iron Company, had his back broken on Thursday morning last, by the caving of an embankment of earth just back of the Franklin depot. Mr. Sines is an old man and has a family. Much Sympathy is felt for him.

From present indications it is now generally believed that the Sussex Railroad Co., will, at the expiration of three years, renumerate the stockholders with a second triennial dividend of two per cent.

Sussex Register - September 4, 1873 issue

Railroad Bonds Burnt--Twenty years ago the Sussex Railroad Company--or Cooper and Hewitt, the owners--mortgaged their road from Waterloo to Newton for $200,000. David Ryerson, Esq., of Newton, Abram S. Hewitt and David Thompson, Esqs., were made trustees for the bond-holders. These bonds all became due the 1st of April last. All of them have been since collected and paid by John I. Blair, the President, and on Friday last they were burnt up by Moses Taylor, Abram S. Hewitt and John I. Blair, at the City National Bank New York City, the certificate duly signed and the cancellation to be made of record by David Thompson for the other Trustees.

New Jersey Herald - October 9, 1873 issue

The Sussex R. R. Company have just turned out of their Machine Shops the locomotives Wallkill and Old Sussex as soft coal burners. On Saturday the Old Sussex was fired up and placed on trial, proving satisfactorily to all concerned. We understand they intend converting all their locomotives into soft coal burners.

A few days since, while a train of empty platform and ore cars were being run down the track of the Musconetcong Works at Stanhope, the conductor found that but two brakes which he could control which proved insufficient to check the acquired momentum. He accordingly jumped off, and the cars rushed down to the cinder bank and soon were a complete wreck. Four men were working on the spot at the time, one of whom named Morris White was killed almost instantly.

Sussex Register - December 11, 1873 issue

We learn that arrangements have been made whereby the Sussex Railroad will run connecting trains with the New Jersey Midland, in the same manner they now do with the D. L. & W. R. R. This will give us two lines to New York and the west. It would not surprise us if the Midland should eventually fall into the hands of the Sussex people and be run by them in connection with their road. Stranger things have happened. A new time table will appear next week.

New Jersey Herald - December 18, 1873 issue

The fastest time ever made on the Sussex Railroad was that which old engineer friend, "Joe" Quackenbush developed one day last week when he undertook to "catch up" with a freight train which contained, to him, a most precious cargo. "Joe's" wind, however, gave out before he reached the desired goal.

The new time table of the Sussex Railroad, which we publish to-day, will show the fact that arrangements have been made by that the Company to run trains in connection with both the D. L. & W. and New Jersey Midland Railroads. The arrangement takes effect on Monday next. We can now have good connection with the upper end of the county and be allowed to have our choice of two routes to New York, with an increased number of trains daily. Our railroad facilities are now better than ever before. Milk trains will be run over both of the roads and freight shipped as directed.
